Neuro science shows us that we achieve our best when there is a challenge. We need to embrace challenges of creative expression as well as challenges of contribution to propel our careers.
Video Transcript:
Welcome to this week’s Hot Tip Tuesday. I’m John Paul Fischbach, the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. This week is part two of the neuroscience of being an artist. Last week we looked at the novelty trap. If you missed that you might want to check that out. Experiencing novelty and experiencing challenge both produce elevated levels of dopamine or oxytocin in our brains. When we’re engaged in a challenge we’re attentive and focused and alive. We engage in challenges a lot as artists. We’re constantly inventing something new. There’s some amazing research that shows that challenge is everything when it comes to our own advancement and our growth. It can completely activate our lives.
If you take someone who is listless or depressed and you place a meaningful challenge that is just right one that is appropriate for them, something that is achievable and within their reach of their ability but it excites them you can see them come back to life. This week I’d like you to think about challenge. What new challenges are you pursuing in your life?
What is a meaningful challenge? My advice is to pursue two different types of challenges to advance your artistic career. One is creative expression, creating something new, completely new and number two is contribution, making a difference. Avoid challenges that dont mean anything to you because if you dont want it then it’s just work. Also avoid challenges that are just responsibilities.
What new thing can you study or develop? Is there a challenge that will help you stretch the boundaries of yourself and your life? Remember Albert Einstein said, “We are boxed in by the boundary conditions of our thinking.” the golden ticket will to be to choose a challenge that is also a novelty. One that will make you better at your art and better at your arts business.
Novelty and challenge are two parts of our life as an artist. It’s up to us to make the best use of them. Did you like this Hot Tip? Be sure and subscribe to the next one and tell a fellow artist about us. If you want real, practical help and support to thrive as an artist check us out at