We help artists thrive

A not-for-profit Arts Incubator dedicated to helping artists create a sustainable art business



We are the Solution to your Problem

I’m John Paul Fischbach, my team and I have been helping artists, arts organisations and government initiatives to be bigger, better and stronger for over 20 years. Everyone in our organisation is an artist, so we GET it.
And we want to help you and your community grow.

The Auspicious Arts Incubator offers a specifically designed, flexible suite of programs. These courses and programs enable artists and creative entrepreneurs to gain confidence as well as practical skills and knowledge.  We help form and grow sustainable small businesses that will thrive in the competitive market of the arts and creative industries.

We created the Incubator so that artists and arts organisations can get the best proven marketing and business skills; skills that no one ever taught us.  It’s real, practical stuff delivered the way creative people understand it.

As successful practising artists ourselves we’re happy to share the secrets of marketing and business success that build the capacity of the arts for individuals and communities.

Independent Artists

We help artists. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re up and running, we have programs and ways of helping you. John Paul wants a world with no more ‘starving artists’. Getting or upgrading your business and marketing skills is “a thing”.

Arts Organisations

At some point arts organisations hit a ceiling and need some outside input to grow.  If your organisation needs help with Marketing, Audience Development, Capacity Building, Succession Planning, Strategic Planning or mentoring for your teams and executive leadership, we can help.  We design custom training programs and deliver existing programs that will solve problems to take things to the next level.

Community Support

If you need to support your local creative industries we can help. We often help local councils, municipal governments, state and provincial governments and arts funders. 

We develop and deliver a range of workshops and seminars that help internal arts and culture teams with marketing, audience development, strategic programs, social media and other things that creative industry entrepreneurs need.  We also design and deliver programs that build and strengthen the creative capital of communities.

Get your business sorted once and for all

Do I need a website?

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The short answer is YES.  WordPress is the way to go because there are so many plugins… but there is a learning curve.  We’ve seen lots of artists use Sqarespace and Wix.. and make great sites.  And if you are a visual artist just jump into the Shopify world, you’ll be really happy.

In our signature course the Artists Transformation School we teach artists about the Customer Journey.  Your fans, followers and customers first find out you exist… then they do some research and want to find out more about you.  They want to know, “who are you?” and, “are you any good?”  and ultimately, “do I want any?” Sure they can see more at your Facebook page and in your Instagram feed… but you really want them to get a feel for your world.  You want to curate their research experience.  You also want to get them to commit to interacting with you so you need to capture their email address.   You can do this on your Facebook page too… I just recommend having people visit your full website.  Social media is for being social… it’s your website where you get to provide all the images in a gallery, thoughts in a blog, and even a shopping cart.

How do I get more customers?

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Your art isn’t for everyone.  So you need to spend 30% of your available time doing marketing.  Marketing is finding the people who like you and your art.  Advertising is letting those people know you have something they’ll love.  You need to figure out who your niche market is.

I know that everyone could love your art… but you need to figure out who will love it and you the most.  Figure out this customer avatar and then do the research to figure out where to find them and how to connect with them.  We teach artists to use the principles of Value Based Language to connect with people you want to be your customers.  Find the people who care about what you care about.  Meet them first with connecting around shared issues, values, needs… then let them know that you have stuff they will love.

Marketing also means going to art fairs, not to necessarily sell art, but to grow your data base.  Use art shows and fairs to find new people who you are, like what you have, and collect their contact details.  Do Open Mic nights the same way…    Be careful about using all your time, energy and money getting people as one-time sales.  Better to spend your time cultivating customers for life.

Is this idea viable?

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I think what you might be asking is, “Do you think this will make money?” We are in the emotion business.  We are not in the art business.  Our art is merely the vehicle for providing an emotional experience for someone.  Price is very elastic when you are in the emotion business.  So, yes, if you find a market for your art and can help them have an awesome emotional experience with your art then yes, it will make money.

I advise artists that the formula for viability is:  A market for it + your willingness to keep making it (for the next 3-5 years) = Viability.  The challenge is you doing the work to find and grow the market for what you create… And not dumping it too early and start creating some other shiny thing.

Transform yourself and your arts practice with help from us.

The Artist Transformation School is a life-changing 12-month transformation.

This is for the artist who seriously wants to transform their arts practice and create their dream life and business.

Weekly Free Advice

Our Hot Tips are weekly, bite-sized nuggets of useful information and inspiration to keep artists moving forward with their art business.

Presented weekly on Facebook Live, and then archived on our blog, there are now over free 200 videos.

You are an awesome powerful artist! sometimes…

Get out of your own way.

Do you feel held back – like you could be achieving great things but something is blocking your way?
Your mojo is really important because the way you show up in life can and will change the results you get.

A seminar that gives a boost to your business

This is a two day professional development seminar focused on business, marketing and confidence-building for creatives in any discipline, at any stage of business.

Auspicious Successful Artists Program

ASAP is our secret club. It is a monthly membership that keeps you on track, making steady progress on the business side.

Membership gives you access to special content designed to help artists in business.

This is the book for great artists who's business skills suck

Inspired by 10+ years of experience coaching  artists from all disciplines, this book guides artists through the 10 essentials of building and sustaining a creative business.

It's hard to know where to start

This is a short self-directed online course.  4 modules with 16 lessons created by artists for artists to help you take the correct first steps to get serious about your art as your business.

“The course left me feeling totally positive. I’ve made changes to the way I run my business and now wake up dying to get into the studio.”
Julee Lattimer


“Thank you for today. It was so refreshing talking ‘art business’ with another passionate artist with a head for business. Now I can see clearer and feel strong and happy.”
Kristen Johnson


Have you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?



We have offices in USA, Canada and Australia

Call Us

AUS: +61 3 9948 4086

USA: +1.720.729.1668

CAN; +1.778.819.0278

