You will do some things for you
You will do more for someone else
You will do it all if someone is holding you accountable
Get someone who believes in you and has your best interest at heart and ask them to be your accountability coach.






Video Transcript:

Welcome to Hot Tip Tuesday presented by the Auspicious Arts Incubator, building sustainable arts businesses. Hi, I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator and I welcome you to this week’s Hot Tip Tuesday.


The Hot Tip this week is about having an accountability coach. It’s really important in order to succeed and prosper and grow, to have an accountability coach. The reason is really simple. Educators have known this for years so think about this. It will make sense. You will do some things for yourself. You decide. You manage it. You will do some things for you. You will do more for someone else when someone asks you you do it but you will do all of it if someone is holding you accountable. You’ll do some for you. You’ll do more for someone else and you’ll do it if someone is holding you accountable.


What I encourage everyone of the artists we work with to do is to find a goal, pick something you want and get an accountability coach. Ask a friend, ask a colleague to help you become accountable to finish and complete the task. That is all there is. It’s an email. It’s a conversation. Tell them what you’re trying to achieve, tell them when you want to try to achieve it by and tell them how they can help you by checking in with you and holding you accountable. That is the way you finish something.


If you found this Hot Tip useful please like this video. If you know someone else who could use this Hot Tip or maybe someone who could be your accountability coach please share this video. You know what would be great? If you would tag the person who you want to be your accountability coach into this video that gets the ball rolling so do that. Get the idea of the accountability coach in your life active.


It’s because we want you to more than survive here at the Incubator we want you to thrive. In order to really thrive you need to subscribe because every week there is another Hot Tip. See you next week. Find out more at