Category: Vision & Mindset

Excuses are your key #HTipT #88


If you hear yourself use an excuse for not having the career you could be having, it’s a tap from your subconscious to get you to notice the thing you want to change.

  • 9th Feb, 2016
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The power of challenge #HTipT #85


Neuro science shows us that we achieve our best when there is a challenge. We need to embrace challenges of creative expression as well as challenges of contribution to propel our careers.

4 Questions for Change #HTipT #83


Change is up to you. The wisdom to make big shifts is inside you. Here are 4 questions that can open a dialogue with your wise unconscious mind and unlock your ability to change.

Art grants for women: The power of NO #HTipT #82


Saying no boosts your confidence. People who have a hard time saying no, are more likely to experience stress, burnout, and even depression, all of which erode confidence. Here’s some smart help to develop the confidence that comes from saying NO.

  • 8th Dec, 2015
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The Secret Storehouse of Positive Energy #HTipT #74


What you focus on expands. You have the power to switch your thoughts to the positive. A whole heap of positive energy is stored inside Gratitude. Here’s a training exercise to practice digging the gratitude gold out of things we take for granted.

Limiting beliefs #HTipT #73


Limiting beliefs are there for a reason. They served a purpose once but are no longer appropriate now that you’ve grown and circumstances have changed.