What makes an artist successful: Determination is the 4th skill for success #HTipT #79

What makes some artists succeed and others flounder. Both have talent but there are 4 building blocks that can help. The fourth is Determination to stay the course.



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Video Transcript:

Hi. John Paul Fischbach here. The CEO and Chief Alchemist of the Auspicious Arts Incubator with another Hot Tip for this Tuesday. This is the fourth and final installment of our little miniseries of understanding what makes some artists succeed while others flounder. We know talent is good but there are four things that can help. The first is desire, the second is direction, the third is discipline. If you missed those go check them out but this week we’re looking at the fourth building block of artistic success determination.

You have to have determination to stay the course. It takes 3 to 5 years for any business to turn a profit. I implore you to get the determination to stay the course. The arch enemy of determination is distraction. Every day things will conspire to derail you. Lots of others will try and give you their agendas, their emergencies and their needs. The most insidious destroyer of determination for artists is a shiny new thing.

We’re creative and we’re easily inspired so the world is constantly supplying us with shiny new things to distract us, to give us a different desire, to derail us to a new direction. It’s our determination with some help from our friend discipline that will curb these distractions. It’s your job to have a desire and be consciously aware of it. It’s your job to have direction to know how to get and follow it and it’s your job to have discipline in working towards your success as an artist. It’s up to you to have the determination to minimize and remove distraction.

Let me be clear. As artists we embrace a higher degree of distraction ability to cope. Some of that distraction is good. Some of that distraction is creative awareness and inspiration. That’s different from distraction that undermines your determination. Shiny things that derail you, creative awareness and inspiration are shiny things that help you stay focused because they confirm your desire and they clarify your direction but you have to know if this shiny new thing is a distraction or part of your direction.

Ask yourself can it be incorporated into where you are already? If it can be part of where you’re already headed awesome. If not, put it on hold. You need to do things that will keep you on your path to your desire. Here’s a determination exercise for the next 7 days. Every day wake up and reconfirm your determination to become a successful artist. Ask yourself these questions. What do I desire today? What is my direction? What am I going to do today to get closer to my desire? How am I going to be disciplined today? What am I going to do? What am I not going to do? What distractions can I remove today?

When you start your day this way that’s when you start to feel the progress toward success. You start to experience more enthusiasm because you know what you’re after and how you’re going to get there and you can see the changes in your life and in your career. That’s it. The four building blocks that successful artists use desire, direction, discipline and determination.

Did you like this Hot Tip? Be sure and subscribe to the next one and tell a fellow artist about us. If you want real practical help and support to thrive as an artist check us out at AuspiciousIncubator.com.au.

It’s time to stop struggling to figure out what makes an artist successful.

It is both great and challenging to be an artist.  Being an artist is both a choice and a destiny.  Becoming a successful artist is the challenge.  We can help you learn how to become a successful artist.  We’ve been helping artists since 2007.  We are artists ourselves and work exclusively with independent artists and small arts groups to get the marketing and business skills along with the confidence it takes to make a living from your talent and your drive.  After helping thousands of artists we know what makes an artist successful.  You really can stop struggling to figure out what makes an artist successful.

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