Make your situation better NOW #HTip #226
Now is the moment of power… not tomorrow and not yesterday
Bite-sized pieces of advice for artists, every week!
Now is the moment of power… not tomorrow and not yesterday
3rd law helps us to get the results we want by controlling our focus
The second law (of 7) states that, “there are no limits; everything is possible” How do you take this on-board as an artist?
Practice this first Huna law and change your energy instantly
Here are 3 ways to help you pause and celebrate the small wins so that you keep going with love and enthusiasm.
Find out where you are losing time and get on top of that.
It is often difficult to start having a conversation about mental health. Here are some tips on how to deal with that awkward conversation about mental health.
As an independent artist, it is up to you to set your rates. Here are some tips to consider when trying to figure out what to charge.
The inner game is where you succeed. Making a change to your inner habits will make the biggest difference. There are 7 secret inner habits of success. Here’s three.
Using a creative metaphor, we can get organized and focused and heading in the right direction.