How to create raving fans #HTipT #175

HTT 175

The secret of successful creative businesses is developing a raving fan culture. This tip gives you the 4 things you can do to create raving fans. Video: Podcast: Video Transcript: This week, I’m gonna help you develop some raving fans.

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3 Tips for Artists Who Use Email #HTipT #171

HTT 171

Are you using best practice email methods to market yourself and your art? Here are 3 top tips for smarter more effective emailing. Video: Podcast: Video Transcript: This week, I want to help you send smarter more effective emails, so

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You know 5 People Who will Help You #HTipT #168

HTT 168

There is support around you just ask. You are an inter-dependent artist. There are people who are part of your arts practice who want you to succeed. Build an Artist’s Advisory Circle to propel your business.

Control Your Time #HTipT #166

HTT 166

Controlling your time is up to you. How do you want to do it? Here are a series of questions to prompt a discussion to make some changes.