Tag: creative entrepreneur

The best brain hack to be positive #HTipT #182

HTT 182

You can get out of the rut of negative thoughts and be positive if you learn how to rewire the thought pathways and create new positive pathways. Video: Podcast: Video Transcript: This week, I’m challenging you to start this year

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Feel the love #HTipT #181

HTT 181

Here are 3 hugs from us for you and what you do with a request to honour, appreciate and love a fellow artist.   Video: Podcast: Video Transcript: This week, I’m sharing some love and I want you to share

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You know 5 People Who will Help You #HTipT #168

HTT 168

There is support around you just ask. You are an inter-dependent artist. There are people who are part of your arts practice who want you to succeed. Build an Artist’s Advisory Circle to propel your business.

Control Your Time #HTipT #166

HTT 166

Controlling your time is up to you. How do you want to do it? Here are a series of questions to prompt a discussion to make some changes.

30 Second Anxiety Buster #HTipT #163


You can beat anxiety if you develop a habit that interrupts your physiology. You can develop a habit of mindful breathing that will disrupt your stress response and let you make a different choice and take new action. Video: Podcast:

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