Tag: emotional intelligence

You are not in the art business #HTipT #133


We are artists, but we are not in the business of art, we are in the business of emotion. Understanding the real business we are in helps to empower our work and be more successful.

Excuses are your key #HTipT #88


If you hear yourself use an excuse for not having the career you could be having, it’s a tap from your subconscious to get you to notice the thing you want to change.

  • 9th Feb, 2016
  • 1

Limiting beliefs #HTipT #73


Limiting beliefs are there for a reason. They served a purpose once but are no longer appropriate now that you’ve grown and circumstances have changed.

The power of “AND” #HTipT #70


You’d love some help with your arts business BUT you’re too busy. That’s true AND it’s an excuse. Learn to swap “but” for “and” to see the difference this powerful little conjunction can make.