Tag: self-help

What’s your story? #HTipT #108


What’s the story you tell yourself about why you have what you have in your life? Does it create pity or inspiration in others? Is it a story of reasons or excuses?

Stop the mental abuse #HTipT #101


How do you talk to yourself in your head? It’s time to stop your inner perpetrator from hurling mental abuse. You wouldn’t let someone else talk to you like that…

2 step anxiety management #HTipT #97


It’s normal for artists to experience more anxiety than most so we need to manage it. It’s possible to recognise anxiety and wrestle back control so that we can continue forward. But like any great skill it takes practice and time.

Art grants for women: The power of NO #HTipT #82


Saying no boosts your confidence. People who have a hard time saying no, are more likely to experience stress, burnout, and even depression, all of which erode confidence. Here’s some smart help to develop the confidence that comes from saying NO.

  • 8th Dec, 2015
  • 1

Limiting beliefs #HTipT #73


Limiting beliefs are there for a reason. They served a purpose once but are no longer appropriate now that you’ve grown and circumstances have changed.

Confidence vs. Conceit #HTipT #69


It’s important to be confident and not arrogant. Here’s a simple exercise to grow your confidence from the suite of skills and strengths you already possess.

Gratitude boosts emotional intelligence #HTipT #68


Working on developing an attitude of gratitude is responsible for more energy, better sleep and a 10X boost in emotional intelligence. Learn a simple exercise to start working with gratitude.

  • 1st Sep, 2015
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