Tag: self-help

Gratitude unlocks prosperity #HTipT #34


What you focus on expands. Gratitude attracts more and even more to be grateful for. Every day train yourself to make lists of all that you’re grateful for, and watch that list expand!

Do something about it #HTipT #32


“It is up to you to do something to change. If you want something go get it. When you expect someone else to meet your needs you end up getting shitty with them instead of asking yourself, “what do I need to do in this moment?”” rather than, “what do they need to do in this moment?”

How to keep dancing in FLOW #HTipT #26


FLOW is the magical place of creation. A place that artists master. Bring the same magic into your business. Find the area where you want some growth, Rise to the challenge and polish up your most critical weaknesses until they become your greatest strengths…Pick a new challenge and repeat…

  • 7th Jul, 2015
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Be the scriptwriter of your life #HTipT #25


Video: Podcast: Video Transcript: Hello I’m Julie-Ann Black, producer of bold and irresistible communicators here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. Here’s another Hot Tip for this Tuesday. The topic for this week is creating a script that serves you. What

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It’s called SELF esteem #HTipT #55


When you work for yourself there is no one to give you the appreciation you deserve and need. Find out what you can do to “esteem” yourself.

  • 2nd Jun, 2015
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Stop being your own abusive lover #HTipT #19


Listen to what you say to yourself. Do you talk to yourself like an abusive lover? It’s time to believe in yourself and have a friendlier relationship with yourself. Talk to yourself like your best friend. Take pride in your accomplishments, acknowledge your strengths. Together you can take risks, stretch and gain confidence.

But I can’t do this #HTipT #18


We often convince ourselves that our limits are immutable. NOT TRUE! Self-talk in the form of justification for non-action is dangerous. Re-frame the conversation you are having with yourself.

Are emotions running your life? #HTipT #15


As artists we are highly emotional. That that is a good thing unless emotions are running your life. HTT welcomes Julie-Anne Black to share some tools to help manage our emotions and help us avoid being paralysed by emotions.

How to eliminate anxiety immediately #HTipT #46


Julie-Anne Black shows you a great trick to help you eliminate anxiety about a future event any time any where. When anxiety is created from a fear about a specific future event, it is also your unconscious mind tapping you on the shoulder to get you to focus on how you want things to turn out. By calling to mind the feelings and thoughts you will have after the successful completion of the future event you can eliminate the present anxiety.

  • 31st Mar, 2015
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Stop the biggest lie we tell ourselves #HTipT #45


The idea of the starving artist is an insidious lie that permeates the arts. It’s time we take action against this two-faced daemon. It’s time to be out in the world as the abundant artist.

  • 24th Mar, 2015
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