Tag: small business

2 things to improve your happiness #HTipT #53


Happy people are more productive. Take control of generating your own happiness by making changes to your environment and your activities. Learn what makes you happy and add those things to your studio or work space and include those things in your weekly calendar.

  • 19th May, 2015
  • 2

How to pace your arts success #HTipT #47


Success in the arts comes down to focus and consistency. But we are too impatient for success to happen, so we jump from idea to idea. Pace yourself like other small businesses. Be consistent in what you create, and stay the course. How long should you wait to judge yourself successful? Successful entrepreneurs find something viable and focus their energy for 3 – 5 years.

  • 7th Apr, 2015
  • 3

How to wash your brain #HTipT #44


Every morning you wash your body and your teeth and put on clean clothes… but your hard working brain picked up more debris than your body, hair or teeth but I bet you didn’t give it any love and care? Learn how to rinse your brain every morning.

  • 17th Mar, 2015
  • 3

One Important Thing #HTipT #04


You are the CEO of your arts career. It is up to you to steer the course to success. Each and every day you need to have a chat with your CEO self and discuss the one thing that you could do today that would have the most impact on your arts business. As opposed to the day’s list of tasks.