Time saver in WORD #HTipT #91
There is a secret weapon inside WORD that will save you heaps of time. It’s the short-cut function that lets you repeat the last action.
Hot Tip Tuesday by Auspicious Arts Incubator
Bite-sized pieces of advice for artists, every week!
There is a secret weapon inside WORD that will save you heaps of time. It’s the short-cut function that lets you repeat the last action.
Professional looking documents have nice formatting all the way through. This is easily accomplished once you know how to use the little paint-brush tool
Stop sitting on the ENTER key to get the layout you want. Learn about document breaks instead.
Alia Vryens, our resident WORD wizard shares the #1 tip to help you figure out what’s up when something goes wonky in your documents.
Using your mouse takes too much time and lowers your productivity. Our IT Guru and productivity master will literally save you minutes each day. And these five keyboard shortcuts will buy back an entire week of time over 1 year. If you are using your mouse to switch between programs, deploy functions, find and replace, take screen shots and alter text, STOP it now there is an easier way.