How to eliminate anxiety immediately #HTipT #46

Julie-Anne Black shows you a great trick to help you eliminate anxiety about a future event any time any where. When anxiety is created from a fear about a specific future event, it is also your unconscious mind tapping you on the shoulder to get you to focus on how you want things to turn out. By calling to mind the feelings and thoughts you will have after the successful completion of the future event you can eliminate the present anxiety.



Video Transcript:

Hello, welcome to another Hot Tip Tuesday. I’m Julie Ann Black, producer of Bold and Irresistible Communicators here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. Do you worry or get anxious, have an uncertain zone where you hesitate to take action and just stop, shut down, hide or feel afraid to voice your real experiences and point of view so instead you go mute.

Maybe your anxiety peaks when someone asks you what do you do? I’m curious, when you are anxious where’s your attention? That’s right. You’ll probably be focusing on all the things that might, could or will go wrong. Your heart rate will elevate. You may get a sensation in your throat, in your chest, in your guts and maybe you’ll even have sweaty bits, palms, underarms.

Anxiety is generally a fear of the future, having a doubt or vulnerability about future events but here’s the thing. Anxiety is actually a tap from your unconscious mind reminding you to put all of your focus and attention on how you want things to be.

Here’s a little trick to help you overcome mild anxiety. Bring to mind a specific event you may have coming up in your future. Make sure it’s a specific event that already has a time, place and date. Have you got one? Good, now bring that event fully to mind and now go out 15 minutes or perhaps 2 hours or even 48 hours after the successful completion of that specific event. Make sure you’re beyond the successful completion of the event, the successful completion. Now, check to see where the anxiety is. Is it there or has it disappeared now.

In most cases the anxiety will have disappeared completely because you directed your focus towards how you want things to be. You can use these techniques anywhere, anytime.

That was this week’s Hot Tip. If you like this tip then please like this video. If you know someone that could use a cool technique to help them rid anxiety then please share this tip with them. Please write a comment and tell us how you like this video and other tips that relate to this question. Here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator we want you to more than survive, we want you to thrive. In order to thrive you need to subscribe. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel. Until next time, keep smiling.

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2 thoughts on “How to eliminate anxiety immediately #HTipT #46

  1. Great advice Julie. We all become beset by anxiety over our projects at some stage, whether we are new to the profession or old hacks. We all want to be the best we possibly can be, perform at our top level and win over clients and audiences of our work. I agree that the anxiety is simply a fear, small or large, but a fear ONLY. As Anais Nin once wrote, ‘fear is the little death’ and if we allow the little death to take over us, then we begin to allow a much larger ‘death’ to start to take hold.
    I’ve got a very large mural project on at the moment, with only a few short weeks to complete it in. Anxiety has been high, something which has stopped me from starting the project a lot earlier. Now the deadline is looming large in front of me. I’m going to take your advice and picture the successful completion of the project, picture the happy faces of my clients and all the tourists who will see my murals. I’m going to imagine good things coming for me after the successful completion of the project.
    Thank you Auspicious Arts Incubator for your HTTs, you remind me that I am not alone and that I CAN make a living from my creativity.

  2. What wonderful advice. That is better than drugs, food or alcohol to calm that worry of can I do this? Well now. Yes I can!

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