Tag: Arts Marketing

The Real Secret of Marketing #HTipT #71


The real secret of successful marketing is to be sure the message is created from THEIR point of reference. It’s OK to for your marketing to be what you want to say but it has to be worded from your audience’s position.

Why do your fans love you? #HTipT #65


Your fans talk about you and your work. They market you to their friends. Find out why they love you so that you can market yourself the same way. Compliments and praise are good but not helpful for marketing yourself and your art. Find out why your fans love you. Ask them 3 simple questions that will give you the marketing words you need.

Market the heart not the art #HTipT #30


Learn to use Value Based Language to market your art. Stop talking about the product and start talking about the benefit people receive. Learn what happens to your fans and customers emotionally and intellectually when they experience you and your art.

Customers for life #HTipT #62


As artists we deliver value and so we have a much easier time building a customer for life and guaranteeing sales in the future.

  • 21st Jul, 2015
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How to pace your arts success #HTipT #47


Success in the arts comes down to focus and consistency. But we are too impatient for success to happen, so we jump from idea to idea. Pace yourself like other small businesses. Be consistent in what you create, and stay the course. How long should you wait to judge yourself successful? Successful entrepreneurs find something viable and focus their energy for 3 – 5 years.

  • 7th Apr, 2015
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Call for artists submissions: 7 habits of success #HTipT #13


Your habits, attitudes and behaviour are totally in your control. It’s not what happens to you in life that counts it is how you respond to what happens to you that matters. Success is how you behave not what you’ve achieved. Behave like successful people and you’ll get success. Here’s 7 things you can do starting NOW.

How to eliminate anxiety immediately #HTipT #46


Julie-Anne Black shows you a great trick to help you eliminate anxiety about a future event any time any where. When anxiety is created from a fear about a specific future event, it is also your unconscious mind tapping you on the shoulder to get you to focus on how you want things to turn out. By calling to mind the feelings and thoughts you will have after the successful completion of the future event you can eliminate the present anxiety.

  • 31st Mar, 2015
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It will end in tears unless . . . #HTipT #11


You can avoid the tears and despair of loosing all your electronic files by backing up your life and your art. Our IT Guru takes you through some simple options. Please don’t wait until it’s too late.

Stop the biggest lie we tell ourselves #HTipT #45


The idea of the starving artist is an insidious lie that permeates the arts. It’s time we take action against this two-faced daemon. It’s time to be out in the world as the abundant artist.

  • 24th Mar, 2015
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Learn how to tell your Mum what you do #HTipT #10


Networking 101 for artists. Conversations = Wealth. People are interested in your process not your ‘label. Learn how to tell your Mum what you do. Share your passion and your struggles not your job title when networking.