Tag: Entrepreneur

30 Second Anxiety Buster #HTipT #163


You can beat anxiety if you develop a habit that interrupts your physiology. You can develop a habit of mindful breathing that will disrupt your stress response and let you make a different choice and take new action. Video: Podcast:

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It’s hard being an Artist #HTipT #161

HTT 161

Why is it hard being an artist? What can you do to acknowledge the struggle and the reward. It’s time to remind yourself that you are doing well and celebrate with a fellow artist.

3 tricks to talk to your intuition #HTipT #141


Your intuition is your best friend. It helps you create your art, ask for its help to create your career. To understand what your intuition wants you to do you have to have a conversation. Learn how with these three methods.

One hour on Monday will stop you floundering #HTipT #96


The magic key to working smarter is planning, especially when it comes to reaching the goal. You need to plan the work and then work the plan. The first hour of your week is the time to zoom up, see the big picture and create the plan to achieve it.

Is my art viable? #HTipT #93


It’s not all about the money in the short term. There is a formula to determine if what you are creating is viable. It’s important to decide if this next venture is a good investment of your time, money and soul. You want to invest in “viable ideas”.