Tag: entrepreneurs

Small arts grants: The key to getting more work #HTipT #52

HTipT 52

Are you an opportunity heat seeking missile?
Are you tired of waiting for the next gig to come to you? Well you can break that dependency by creating opportunities. Replicate your successful projects and learn how you and your art serve your customers.

  • 12th May, 2015
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A superior to do list #HTipT #50

“To-do lists are great because it keeps you productive but I’ll bet you that the things that will make the biggest difference to your career aren’t on that list. We’ve developed a to-do list method that is ideal for artist entrepreneurs that helps you track the important things as well as the urgent things.

The #1 thing to build confidence #HTipT #49


Self confidence is a habit not an attitude. You build confidence over time. But you can accelerate the process. For artists it is a balance of internal and external factors. The best thing you can do to build confidence is to make sure that you’re confidence isn’t determined by external factors.

  • 21st Apr, 2015
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3 ways to change a belief #HTipT #48


The results you have in life are determined by the beliefs you have. If you want different results you need to alter your beliefs. There are 3 ways. There are three ways to break the pattern that has established your operating beliefs.

How to pace your arts success #HTipT #47


Success in the arts comes down to focus and consistency. But we are too impatient for success to happen, so we jump from idea to idea. Pace yourself like other small businesses. Be consistent in what you create, and stay the course. How long should you wait to judge yourself successful? Successful entrepreneurs find something viable and focus their energy for 3 – 5 years.

  • 7th Apr, 2015
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How to eliminate anxiety immediately #HTipT #46


Julie-Anne Black shows you a great trick to help you eliminate anxiety about a future event any time any where. When anxiety is created from a fear about a specific future event, it is also your unconscious mind tapping you on the shoulder to get you to focus on how you want things to turn out. By calling to mind the feelings and thoughts you will have after the successful completion of the future event you can eliminate the present anxiety.

  • 31st Mar, 2015
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Stop the biggest lie we tell ourselves #HTipT #45


The idea of the starving artist is an insidious lie that permeates the arts. It’s time we take action against this two-faced daemon. It’s time to be out in the world as the abundant artist.

  • 24th Mar, 2015
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How to wash your brain #HTipT #44


Every morning you wash your body and your teeth and put on clean clothes… but your hard working brain picked up more debris than your body, hair or teeth but I bet you didn’t give it any love and care? Learn how to rinse your brain every morning.

  • 17th Mar, 2015
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