Tag: HTipT

Trust your intuition #HTipT #06


This week’s Hot Tip Tuesday, John Paul talks about the intuition of artists, and how following that intuition is how we are so successful at the art we create.

Beliefs and your inner scriptwriter #HTipT #40


Some beliefs are empowering while some limit you from achieving what you know in your heart is possible. These beliefs are the stories you assume to be true about yourself, your life and others. Your inner script writer creates responses for you based on these beliefs. In order to change these scripts you need to identify what you don’t like and be able to write down how you want it instead. Julie-Anne Black shares a cool exercise to do this.

The way artists learn #HTipT #39


the secret to the way we become competent is to follow the formula, “learn, do”. Be curious, have a desire then go out and learn something then do what you learned. then go out and learn something else, then do it… Repeat! (if you don’t do it the learning won’t sink in)

One Important Thing #HTipT #04


You are the CEO of your arts career. It is up to you to steer the course to success. Each and every day you need to have a chat with your CEO self and discuss the one thing that you could do today that would have the most impact on your arts business. As opposed to the day’s list of tasks.

Fine arts grants: Do it differently #HTipT #38


Three steps to improving results are
1. start doing it differently (change the pattern)
2. be smarter (go learn something, improve your skills)
3. mindset is critical (If you believe you can, or if you believe you can’t . . . You are right.)

Invest in your Art Business #HTipT #03


This weeks hot tip Tuesday John Paul Fischbach gives some much needed advice on investing in yourself, your arts business. Look out for the tip “invest in your business too”

Open calls artists: 5 ‘must have’ marketing tools #HTipT #37


Use the tools that make your marketing better and easier. Are you using the top 5 on-line tools that are helping people market the arts more effectively? Do you have a Website? Are you using an Email Service Provider? To you have a Sales Funnel to help create life long customers? Are you using Social Media Analytics Tools so you can measure your engagement on Social Media?

Networking #HTipT #02


Networking is difficult for artists because some of us are a little bit introverted and we don’t really like that moving around and talking. We don’t even know what to say, so here’s a little tip. When someone comes up to you and says “What do you do?” The first thing that happens is this paralysis because we do too many things. As artists we’ve got a bunch of different things on the go so it’s difficult for us to pick one but that’s what you want to do. Pick only one thing.