Tag: Personal Growth

4 Questions for Change #HTipT #83


Change is up to you. The wisdom to make big shifts is inside you. Here are 4 questions that can open a dialogue with your wise unconscious mind and unlock your ability to change.

How to keep dancing in FLOW #HTipT #26


FLOW is the magical place of creation. A place that artists master. Bring the same magic into your business. Find the area where you want some growth, Rise to the challenge and polish up your most critical weaknesses until they become your greatest strengths…Pick a new challenge and repeat…

  • 7th Jul, 2015
  • 2

Call for artists submissions: 7 habits of success #HTipT #13


Your habits, attitudes and behaviour are totally in your control. It’s not what happens to you in life that counts it is how you respond to what happens to you that matters. Success is how you behave not what you’ve achieved. Behave like successful people and you’ll get success. Here’s 7 things you can do starting NOW.