Modelling Successful Artists #HTipT #95
Success leaves a trail. You can model the decisions, beliefs and behaviour of successful artists. It starts with knowing what’s holding you back from success and learning what other artists have done.
Hot Tip Tuesday by Auspicious Arts Incubator
Bite-sized pieces of advice for artists, every week!
Success leaves a trail. You can model the decisions, beliefs and behaviour of successful artists. It starts with knowing what’s holding you back from success and learning what other artists have done.
It’s not all about the money in the short term. There is a formula to determine if what you are creating is viable. It’s important to decide if this next venture is a good investment of your time, money and soul. You want to invest in “viable ideas”.
Success isn’t determined by achieving some goal. You’re an artist for the long term make sure that you measure your success on your terms. Look at the impact of your art as well as achievements.
Success in the arts comes down to focus and consistency. But we are too impatient for success to happen, so we jump from idea to idea. Pace yourself like other small businesses. Be consistent in what you create, and stay the course. How long should you wait to judge yourself successful? Successful entrepreneurs find something viable and focus their energy for 3 – 5 years.
Your habits, attitudes and behaviour are totally in your control. It’s not what happens to you in life that counts it is how you respond to what happens to you that matters. Success is how you behave not what you’ve achieved. Behave like successful people and you’ll get success. Here’s 7 things you can do starting NOW.
This weeks HTT John Paul Fischbach talks about the fear and gives you some advice on moving through the fear towards your infinite possibilities, your arts practice, your career, the future fearless you.