Using Style tips in WORD #HTipT #123
As artists, our documents should look good and be consistent in style. Learn some cool tips in WORD to keep your style consistent.
Hot Tip Tuesday by Auspicious Arts Incubator
Bite-sized pieces of advice for artists, every week!
As artists, our documents should look good and be consistent in style. Learn some cool tips in WORD to keep your style consistent.
It’s important to know what a good website includes so you can get all the things you need from a website.
Maria Irminger joins us this week with wisdom for artists working with galleries particularly ones run by government. Nice+Good+On Time= three essential things to get a return gig.
How do you talk to yourself in your head? It’s time to stop your inner perpetrator from hurling mental abuse. You wouldn’t let someone else talk to you like that…
What makes some artists succeed and others flounder. Both have talent but there are 4 building blocks that can help. The fourth is Determination to stay the course.
Embrace the bigger picture of your life and your art. As artists we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our artistic gift has amazing power. Embrace your gift and the ability you have to take people to a new place, a new experience and a new understanding. Every day you create you stretch minds, open hearts, and change lives – – you can’t help it. The world needs us NOW. Let’s get out there and make awesome art.. Lots and lots of it.
Learn to use Value Based Language to market your art. Stop talking about the product and start talking about the benefit people receive. Learn what happens to your fans and customers emotionally and intellectually when they experience you and your art.
As artists we are agents of change. But often we are not skilled at describing the change that our art produces. Discover your Delta Effect. Learn how to tell the story of change you create.
Artists are the most valuable citizens we have. The ability to stretch minds, open hearts and change lives is exactly what the world needs. John Paul takes a moment to celebrate, honour and appreciate artists.
the secret to the way we become competent is to follow the formula, “learn, do”. Be curious, have a desire then go out and learn something then do what you learned. then go out and learn something else, then do it… Repeat! (if you don’t do it the learning won’t sink in)