You are enough, really you are #HTipT #130
Unhappiness is sometimes a part of the artist’s psyche especially if at the core you believe that you are not enough. But you are. Here’s a great tip to solve this issue.
Hot Tip Tuesday by Auspicious Arts Incubator
Bite-sized pieces of advice for artists, every week!
Unhappiness is sometimes a part of the artist’s psyche especially if at the core you believe that you are not enough. But you are. Here’s a great tip to solve this issue.
You can learn to control the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself. You can conquer nervousness, cheat fear and build confidence just by changing one word you say to yourself.
As an artist you’ve chosen a life that is challenging, rewarding, inspiring and often difficult to describe and some times it’s also difficult to maintain unless you own and celebrate the fact that you chose it.
You can get out of a funk. NLP has a proven technique that works to interrupt the emotional tractor beam of a funk. You can only break the power of the funk by acknowledging it, interrupting it and replacing it. There is a way to interrupt that funk and take back control of our emotions and thoughts.
3 critical things to being a successful entrepreneurial artist are; 1. Choose yourself 2. Find your ideal customer 3. Diversify your creative revenue. These make the difference between success and struggle.
What’s the story you tell yourself about why you have what you have in your life? Does it create pity or inspiration in others? Is it a story of reasons or excuses?
We are making art at an exciting time. The old order and power structures have been disrupted. There are three fundamental things all artists can do to prosper.
It’s normal for artists to experience more anxiety than most so we need to manage it. It’s possible to recognise anxiety and wrestle back control so that we can continue forward. But like any great skill it takes practice and time.
Success leaves a trail. You can model the decisions, beliefs and behaviour of successful artists. It starts with knowing what’s holding you back from success and learning what other artists have done.
There is a model that identifies the 7 primary places where artists get stuck in trying to achieve success. Being able to identify where the problem is helps you to focus and solve the problem.